Smart object

smart object
apa itu smart objek?dalam photoshop version cs2 dan cs3..ada satu ciri yang diperkenalkan yang dipanggil smart object.versi sebelum cs2 xde smart object..

dengan ciri smart object korang boleh resize image tanpa kehilangan apa-apa data(contohnya..apabila kita resize image menjadi kecik atau besar,maka pixel imej tersebut akan berkurangan dan menjadi rendah).This way you can change your mind at a later date and resize your images back up to retain the original quality..dan korang juga boleh group multiple layers into Smart Objects dan mengawal aspek projek..

"Smart objects were introduced into Photoshop in CS2. Smart filters were added in CS3. So, you'll need a current version of Photoshop in to take advantage of these types of non-destructive techniques. Smart objects and smart filters allow for a flexible workflow. Smart objects point to an original vector object, raster image, or raw file. Using smart objects means you're working with reference images. So, when working with smart objects the changes applied to them do not effect the original image. You can even save these effects and swap images. Smart filters are also not permanent effects, but can be edited or removed. Normal filters are irreversible, at least after saving the document."

sebagai contoh..

buka photoshop cs2..aku menggunakan satu gambar buah epal yang telah dipotong(layer epal)..

kemudian aku resize imej jadi kecil..tekan CTRL+T..inilah dikatakan sebagai destructive types..apabila kita mengecilkan imej..kita turut kehilangan sebahagian data pada imej..

kemudian cuba try besarkan balik imej ke saiz besar..dan apply..

hasilnya:imej pudar dan pixel imej menjadi rendah..

Menggunakan smart object

pilih layer epal..kemudian pergi ke Layer > Smart Object > Group into New Smart

kita akan resize imej epal tersebut menjadi kecil..tekan CTRL+T..

kemudian resize balik epal tadi menjadi besar(kalau boleh besarkan mengikut saiz asal)..dan apply..

dan object in photoshop retain the original quality of the image..


1 Response to "Smart object"

aleh said... December 20, 2008 at 4:57 AM

owh..thanks..finally i know what is the function
of smart object..

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